Integrate AI

Integrating AI into Middle School Science

Integrate AI Project Goals

Project IntegrateAI will engage learners in authentic, inquiry-driven projects to investigate scientific questions using natural language data.

  • For students, we engage them in innovative NLP (Natural Language Processing) learning experiences to foster their knowledge and skills in NLP and science, improve their attitudes toward STEM careers (interest, identity, and intention to persist), and enhance their ethical reasoning.

  • For teachers, we assist them in developing AI learning competencies and enable them to feel prepared to integrate authentic, inquiry-based NLP experiences into their science classrooms.

Why use NLP in middle school?

Natural language data is everywhere around us: news articles, social media posts, Youtube transcripts, TikTok comments, and much more. Large amounts of this natural language data are related to scientific phenomena such as the weather, health and diseases, engineering, and conservation. We will leverage the power of artificial intelligence that harnesses computers to process huge amounts of data in fractions of a second. The same data would take weeks or even years for humans to read. This powerful field of artificial intelligence is called Natural Language Processing (NLP).